The Interesting Times Of Joel & Kia

We have lots of them..its just a matter if we blog them not not! haha!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Only = Straight!!

Well on our way to our honeymoon destination I was desginated the "Navigator" or the "map reader person". Joel was so impressed that I could read a map. Meanwhile I am thinking to myself...I am a hunter for frigs sake did you think I just go out into the woods with no sense of direction?!? LOL! Back to the map reading or direction giving...we stopped in Bangor to eat lunch Sunday and when I tried to tell Joel what lane we were supposed to be in all I could get out was "only"....there were three lanes with the words "only" painted on them... Joel yelled "which one?!?" "Only" I yelled back. My rational was " If i said left or right then thats the way to turn if I said only that meant straight." We have no clue what I was thinking. But we got a good laugh out of it!! :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahahahahahahahahah I seem to have a wife that gives the same directions. Wow you two should get together and study an atlas together. Seriously though, I could totally understand your rational there. . . .rightttttt. lol

4:25 AM  
Blogger Spiderdan said...

You guys have a blog!? How was I not informed? Well that post was funny and I look forward to reading about "The Interesting Times Of Joel & Kia"

9:28 AM  
Blogger Abby & Matt said...

Hi there guys! I miss you a lot ! I can't wait to see you mom and dad! I have a lot to ask you two! Well I miss you and I love you both!! Talk to you later and heat from you soon!! And I knew just what she meant by only just have to think like Kia

11:07 PM  

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