The Interesting Times Of Joel & Kia

We have lots of them..its just a matter if we blog them not not! haha!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Whats New?

First of all I want to say sorry to all those who have been checking our blog for the past three months and finding no new posts...We have settled into our new home in Deer Island. We really love it here! We went to a week of camp in July at Bayview...where Joel was co dean and I played camp nurse and times! We hosted VBS Avalanche Ranch at Leonardville in August which kept us busy. We celebrated our one year anniversary the following week in Moosehead Lake, Maine. All our programs started back up In September youth group, Adventure Club, choir/praise team, adult bible study, and young adults group. Needless to say the time has flown by but we really enjoy it! The Spencers share the load with us...and when we are not doing something chucrh related we are hanging out at each others houses...we are really glad they decided to come here too! I got my landed immigrant status the first of September which was really exciting but I am still unemployed at this point in own choice. I am busy with church stuff right now and don't want to start into a new job as well. We got a new kitty in August...she is adorable but is a little terror when she wants to be! Here are a few pics to catch you up!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

We Have No Time!

We have no time to blog due to moving's a picture of us on our vacation this summer. Thats all you are gonna get for awhile till we get settled into our new place! Until then... :)

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The Class Of 2007..all one of them...

Well, as most of you know Joel graduated from Maritime Christian College May 6, 2007. I am soooo proud of him!! Anyway, I thought I would post a couple pics of the big is one that shows how happy we both were! His smile is because he gradauted...mine is because I got all the money!! For those of you who weren't there..when the bursaries were being handed out Joel received the Timothy Award from L'Etete Church of Christ which was for the amount of $1,000.00. As Joel was walking up to receive the award Fred Osborne (who was presenting the award) stepped right around Joel and came over and handed me the envelope! Everyone burst out laughing...meanwhile Joel brought over his other bursaries and gave them to me! :) I guess it was worth being married to a student! Don't worry I didn't keep it all to myself I split it with Joel since it was his money!! hahaha!! Well thanks to everyone who came to celebrate with us! Again, I am so proud of you, Joel and love you so much!!

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Pink Or Blue?

Well there comes a time in ever husbands life when their wives need to buy something and if they do not buy that something their heads are going to burst.
This happened while we were in the Moncton Mall on the weekend. Kia just had to have a new camera, if she did not have this camera her head was going to burst.
Now on the other hand her other camera is broken and she did need a new one. But do they have to act like their heads are going to burst. So she did want to get the PINK Sony DSC-w55, but I had a sight problem with that. I do not want to be caught saying "Just push the button on the top of the Pink camera."
I don't like Pink.
So we comprised and got a blue. So my conclusion is that all girls are like the colour pink, they are a burst of Colour. Blue is a much calmer colour with no sudden burst or urges to buy stuff.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Now Presenting...

Do you know who these people are? If you are a country music lover I am sure it didn't take you long to figure it out. Its country music's favorite couple...thats right...Tim McGraw and Faith Hill! For those of you who didn't know they are coming to Moncton on Sept. 1st and I cant wait!! I have never been to a country concert before but I love country music and I love these two country singers!! I am so excited!( Joel not so for all of you out there who love Tim and go on sale tomorrow!!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Our Newest Addition...

Not a baby..not a cat...not a dog... not a goldfish...but a brand new couch! We have been looking at this couch since before Christmas. It was going on sale on boxing day but we were in Maine for Christmas so we missed the sale and kicked ourselves in the butt for missing such a good deal! The other night we decided to go for a ride around town...then we decided we would pay a visit to our couch at The Brick. As we sat down and enjoyed the comfort of our couch(our microsuede...deep seated...recliner on each end comfy couch) the sign in front of us made our jaws drop...our couch was half price for one day only just like on boxing day!! We were so excited! We bought it the next day and it will be in our apartment by March 12th! A spur of the moment decision to go the the store and now we have our couch we have been waiting 4 months for :) So needless to say we would like to get rid of our old if anyone is interested....:)

Friday, January 26, 2007

Whats New In The New Year?

Well, we havent posted in forever. Christmas in Maine was a blast. It felt weird to finally be spending Christmas together instead of in two different countries. Joel got a palm pilot from me and I got a spa pedicure and Willow Tree Nativity from him. :) New Years didn't go over so well...I had to work over New Years since I had Christmas off....4 evening shifts in a row coming on the third shift I got to work and then came home an hour later with the flu. What a way to bring in the new year! I was so sick we couldnt even kiss at midnight! things have been busy since then with Joel starting back to school and work for me. K.T. Norris Lectures are coming to a close tonight and Three Season Ant is playing for the youth night! I am so excited since its gonna be the last time we hear them sing together as a of this month Three Season Ant is no more :( So we are going to party it up tonight! I leave for Maine tomorrow myself...little jab there for you honey... :) Clifford and I are going sleddin' all weekend ( sleddin'= snowmobiling/snowmachining/or whatever else you Canadians want to call it) LOL! Well gotta run...have a good weekend everybody!!