The Interesting Times Of Joel & Kia

We have lots of them..its just a matter if we blog them not not! haha!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Whats New?

First of all I want to say sorry to all those who have been checking our blog for the past three months and finding no new posts...We have settled into our new home in Deer Island. We really love it here! We went to a week of camp in July at Bayview...where Joel was co dean and I played camp nurse and times! We hosted VBS Avalanche Ranch at Leonardville in August which kept us busy. We celebrated our one year anniversary the following week in Moosehead Lake, Maine. All our programs started back up In September youth group, Adventure Club, choir/praise team, adult bible study, and young adults group. Needless to say the time has flown by but we really enjoy it! The Spencers share the load with us...and when we are not doing something chucrh related we are hanging out at each others houses...we are really glad they decided to come here too! I got my landed immigrant status the first of September which was really exciting but I am still unemployed at this point in own choice. I am busy with church stuff right now and don't want to start into a new job as well. We got a new kitty in August...she is adorable but is a little terror when she wants to be! Here are a few pics to catch you up!