The Interesting Times Of Joel & Kia

We have lots of them..its just a matter if we blog them not not! haha!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Moving In

We got back to the island late Sunday night. So not much moving in got accomplished until morning. I have come to the cnclusion that I HATE or LOATHE moving stuff into my already small apartment! Or as Joel and I refer to it "cozy" apartment. I guess I would much rather live here and move in the few things that Joel has into this apartment then to move and have to move all my massive stuff. We have already experienced the "smallness" or "coziness" today when I was getting out of the shower, we both were trying to sort laundry, and Joel just standing around looking like his normal self in our tiny bathroom :P Ahhhhhhhhhhh! I think I am beginning to become closterphobic!! Anyway, Joel is putting together HIS book self and I need to finish the laundry so back to reality until the next time I feel the need to blog my frustrations!! :)

Where and What

Since I did not tell anyone where we were going on our honeymoon; now that it is all over, it is time to tell the world. After our beautiful wedding day we spent one night in a near by hotel before we made our way to Durham, New Hampshire.

Durham is a small little town about 25 minutes north of Hampton Beaches area. This let us explore tourist stuff all day, but in the evening make our way back to our small town location. Durham is also the location of the New Hampshire University; this little town is filled with history. Durham is minutes from Portsmouth or what I like to call it pots-mouth. Where some of the first settlers landed in 1623 to farm the tall trees, farm the land, and fish...I think... I wasn't really listening. :)

We stayed at the Three Chimney's Inn which had great food and all the extras you would want. So to say the least we had lots of fun. We went kayaking, touring of Strawberry Banke, a day at Hampton Beach, professional massages, and of course mini-putting...what vacation is complete with out min-putting?! Well thank you everyone for your curiosity and concern about where we honeymooning. :)

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Only = Straight!!

Well on our way to our honeymoon destination I was desginated the "Navigator" or the "map reader person". Joel was so impressed that I could read a map. Meanwhile I am thinking to myself...I am a hunter for frigs sake did you think I just go out into the woods with no sense of direction?!? LOL! Back to the map reading or direction giving...we stopped in Bangor to eat lunch Sunday and when I tried to tell Joel what lane we were supposed to be in all I could get out was "only"....there were three lanes with the words "only" painted on them... Joel yelled "which one?!?" "Only" I yelled back. My rational was " If i said left or right then thats the way to turn if I said only that meant straight." We have no clue what I was thinking. But we got a good laugh out of it!! :)

Monday, August 21, 2006

Finally! By Mrs. Bridges

We are finally married! It seems so hard to believe that the day has come and gone already!! Crazzzzzy! Joel and I are on our honeymoon but its a secret where we are...hahaha dont ya wish ya knew?? It feels so weird to hear Joel refer to me as his wife. But it is nice to hear! It has been a long time coming thats for sure! Here is a pic from our big day... hope ya like it! :) Will write more soooon!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

The Wedding Morning With Joel

Well this is the morning of the day we get Married. I am Excitied, this is going to be fun. This is the first day to the rest of our lives.

We Love You all.

Thank you for all you will do at the wedding and all you will do after and just for being our family and Friends.